The Six Read online

Page 14

  I wanted nothing more than to be able to answer that question in a way that would give her comfort. I had nothing to say. I shook my head and looked down at the immaculately vacuumed floor. ‘I wish there was something. We hadn’t really spoken all that much lately. Both busy, I guess. I wish I had though. Maybe if I’d known, I could have stopped him.’

  ‘I’ve been saying the same thing every day. I suppose we can’t think that way, but it doesn’t make this any easier. There’s always going to be a part of me that thinks I could have done something more.’

  Stephanie turned away, looked at the sofa, then sat down on it. She leaned forward with her head in her hands, but her shoulders stayed still. She was holding it in, I guessed. I was glad of that. I wasn’t sure if I’d hold up anymore if she lost it.

  ‘Would it be okay if I had a look around?’ I asked, quietly enough so as not to jolt her out of whatever silent act she was going through. She waved a hand in response and I didn’t ask twice.

  I walked out the room and through a hallway to a kitchen–dining room at the back. It was modern-built, the tiled floor ending at the edge of the kitchen area and dividing it from the dining-room part. When I’d been there last, the table that was sitting there now had been pushed up against the wall and filled with various bottles of alcohol. Now, it was tastefully set – a solid brown oak look that felt smoother than anything I’d ever touched when I ran my hand over it.

  I moved back to the kitchen, looking over the fridge door where a couple of letters had been attached with magnets. I didn’t pry, but could tell they were nothing of interest anyway. A dentist appointment, a flyer for a local chippy.

  I didn’t want to start rooting through drawers, but I stopped and thought about what I was doing. What I thought I was looking for exactly. I wasn’t sure, and Michelle’s meeting with me had only served to veer me further off course.

  I moved back to the dining room, pausing at the table as something caught my eye as it passed over it. I turned, but nothing seemed to jump out at me. I frowned, looking at the pictures on shelves in the alcoves. It was a mix of what I assumed were Stuart’s family, with pictures of us.

  Stuart in the middle of the group of six – 2001, second year of university. Even though he was the last to join, he was the main focus. He was the leader.

  Me and Stuart – 2004 in Ibiza. I look exactly how I remember feeling . . . tired, drunk, and wanting to be just about anywhere else at that point.

  Stuart and Michelle – around 2008, I think. Twenty-six or twenty-seven by then. An arm slung around her shoulder, pointing and laughing at the camera. His youth was disappearing with each photograph, but the dimples in his cheeks and glint in his eye hadn’t diminished at all.

  That’s when it hit me. All of these photographs depicted memories – memories that would stay where they were and never be joined by any new ones. That’s what had been taken from us.

  What we had taken from us.

  I tore my eyes away from them. Tried to work out what I was doing. Instead of dealing with the grief alone, I had come there for what? An answer to a question I didn’t know?

  You should be at home. You should be somewhere safe. Not here. Not here. Not outside.

  I tried to ignore the pull of the recurring thought in my head and concentrated on what I was there for really.

  Stuart had been lost for the past year. Just like we all were. Looking for something that would never come back.


  When I used to hear people talk about going abroad to ‘find themselves’, I used to laugh, roll my eyes, shake my head. Now I understood why someone might feel the need to do that.

  Floor to almost ceiling PVC doors looked out onto a back garden that was almost empty of anything but lawn. I looked out at the rapidly diminishing light and thought of Stuart doing the same. Alone in the house, no one to call and speak with.

  There were six of us in that group. And none of us wanted to talk about the past.

  Other than Michelle.

  I allowed myself to realise the truth: I didn’t know why I was there. What had made me think that by coming to Stuart’s house I would find some kind of answer? There wasn’t one to be found. I was simply opening up old wounds and driving myself into a darker place.

  Get out. Get in your car and drive home. Home is safe.

  Stuart hadn’t been able to live with what we had done. That was all. Michelle was probably struggling with the same issue.

  Still, there was the unanswered question that had ruined our lives for the past year.

  What had happened to Mark Welsh? Who had taken his body?

  We had all ignored it as best we could, but maybe Michelle was right.

  I had to leave. I moved away from the doors and turned back into the room. My eye was caught again by an item on the table. This time I knew what it was that had caught my attention.

  A candle on the table. In the middle. Housed in a small storm lantern, that looked as if it was locked in some way.

  It was red.

  Burned down, so it was melted wax on a base.

  Blood red.


  I was standing at the table, wanting to lift up the candle and carry it away. Throw it somewhere it wouldn’t be found. Couldn’t be found. Ostensibly because I knew what it meant. Not just to me – to all of us.

  It meant we weren’t free.

  It meant we never really left those woods.

  It meant we would have to go back to a place none of us wanted to go.

  My hand hovered over the candle, almost as if I was willing it to relight.

  Then another thought came to me. What if this was just another red candle? What if Stuart just happened to have a candle on his dining-room table and I was simply connecting two unrelated events? How many people in the world have red candles in their houses . . . my bet would be that there would be a large number of them. That’s all it was – another house decoration that wouldn’t have caught my eye at any other time.

  Only, I knew that wasn’t the case here.

  All of us knew the significance of that colour candle. The housing it was within. The relevance to our lives. There was no chance I would have something like that in my house now, so why would Stuart be any different?

  Michelle was right.

  This is what she was talking about back at the café.

  My hands were shaking as I reached back to the candle, wanting to touch it. See if it was actually real. Wonder about its significance now. There was a reason for it being here, but I didn’t want to know it. Suddenly, I wanted to be anywhere else.

  Not anywhere.

  I wanted to be back in my own house. Alone. Away from it all. I didn’t want to deal with any of this. It was a mess and even though it was a mess of our own making, I wasn’t sure I could do anything to make it right.

  I looked at the candle again and I was back in those woods. Seeing Alexandra standing over Mark Welsh’s body. Seeing the candle and hearing Michelle tell us what it meant. Even now, I refused to believe it. That we had stopped a serial killer. That sort of thing doesn’t happen to people like us. We’re normal.

  Or we were.

  Our lives had taken a turn in one night and now we seemed to be trapped in an endless nightmare. The worst thing about it – there was no escape from it. Not alone, in my house. Even there, all I could think about was that night and what we did.

  Now I knew we had never really left those woods. Something was following us and trying to drag us back in.

  ‘You okay?’

  I moved quickly, banging into one of the chairs pushed against the table and swearing as pain shot through my knee. Stephanie was standing behind me and I realised it was her voice I’d heard. I turned with a hand on my heart. ‘Sorry, you startled me. I was miles away.’

  ‘You look like you’ve seen a ghost . . . what’s up? Have you found something?’

  I looked back at the burned candle on the table and then back at Stephan
ie. Shook my head. ‘No, I was just thinking about when I was last here. We, erm, used to have parties and stuff. Not many here like, just a couple. Didn’t look as nice when we had them. He really kept this place looking good.’

  ‘He was always like that, even when we were kids. His bedroom would be spotless while mine was like any other teenager’s room. My mum and dad would go mad at me all the time and ask why I couldn’t be more like him. I always thought it was weird though. He liked things a certain way.’

  I smiled, but couldn’t rectify this version of Stuart with my own memories of him. He’d always seemed somewhat . . . flaky? I wasn’t sure that was the right word, but I didn’t think of him as orderly. He was always up to some scheme or other. Going off travelling, bouncing from job to job. Nothing about this seemed to fit with what I knew about him.

  I guess I didn’t really know him as well as I’d thought.

  ‘What was he like in the time before? I mean in the weeks leading up to him . . . ’ I couldn’t finish the sentence, but I knew she would know what I meant. My heart slowed a little, as the initial shock of seeing the candle dissipated. The need to run out of there without looking back subsiding.

  I still wanted to go back to the safety of my own house, but another part of me somehow gave me the ability to stay.

  I had to know everything.

  Stephanie closed her eyes briefly and turned her head away. ‘He seemed okay. A bit more skittish than usual, but you know what he was like. We just assumed he was about to announce some new path he was about to take. I always thought he’d disappear one day and we wouldn’t know where he’d gone. He’d do that from time to time – decide on a whim to go to India or Thailand for a month or longer. We’d get a phone call eventually, telling us where in the world he was.’

  ‘That sounds like the Stuart I knew,’ I said, pulling a tight smile that turned into a grimace of remembrance. ‘That’s how we’d find out as well. Or from a Facebook status update or something. Checking into an airport on his way to some foreign country.’

  ‘Yeah, he was spontaneous to the extreme. I don’t know. About a month ago, there was definitely something going on with him. I don’t know what it was, but he didn’t look like he’d been sleeping, so I asked him about it. He didn’t really say anything, but he wasn’t himself. All he said was that he wished he could tell me more about his life, which didn’t make any sense. I knew loads about his life – he wasn’t exactly discreet about it.’

  ‘That’s true,’ I replied, thinking of the way Stuart could tell endless stories. Always funny, about the scrapes he would get into, the awkward situations, the safely dangerous ones. He always came through them at the end. ‘He could talk for hours. And he was never boring.’

  ‘I suppose we never really know what’s going on in people’s minds. What they’re going through when we’re not around. I just wish we did.’

  For once, I disagreed with her, but couldn’t say so. I didn’t want her to know the truth. No one should hear that.

  Stephanie didn’t want to know what Stuart was thinking about in the past year.

  ‘I guess so,’ I said, ignoring the part of me that wanted to tell her everything, just so someone else could share the burden of our collective guilt. ‘He never told you about anything he was worried about or anything like that?’

  ‘I don’t think he did,’ Stephanie replied, her brow furrowing into a frown. ‘He wasn’t himself, but I didn’t take that to mean he was on the verge of . . . of hurting himself. He was just preoccupied. That’s all. Nothing that could have led me to think he was capable of doing that.’

  Stephanie buried her face in her hands and left the room, leaving me standing next to the dining-room table. I thought of going after her, comforting her in some way, but I didn’t think I could do that. I needed to think clearly.

  The candle was still sitting in the middle of the table – a reminder of what can happen when you don’t think properly about what you’re doing. A reminder that actions have consequences.

  We had killed a stranger.

  He was an evil man. Someone who had killed who knows how many people, all over the country. Someone the police were pretending didn’t exist.

  Only we knew the truth, but we couldn’t tell people that fact.

  I moved quickly around the table, keeping the candle in the periphery of my vision, as if it might come to life. Looked through to see where Stephanie had gone, but she had left me there. I took the opportunity. On the display cabinet against the wall, a few notepads had been left on one of the shelves. I flicked through them, seeing various dates and times. Appointments. Reminders.

  On one near the bottom, I found something.

  October. A year since – Speak to M and C

  Meeting with ‘P’ – might know more

  Eye appt – 26th Sept

  I continued reading, but I couldn’t find anything else that referenced the murder. Or his mental state. I listened for any movement coming from outside the room, in case Stephanie was coming back.

  I tried to think of someone called Peter and remembered that being his dad’s name. Or his uncle’s name. One of the two. On one of the pages, I recognised a sketch of his tattoo. Then, on more pages there were further drawings of it, as if he were trying to get it right. I wondered about what that signified to him. A better time? Somewhere he wanted to return to?

  I wasn’t sure.

  All the time, the candle was behind me.

  If I listened hard enough, I would hear what was becoming almost like a mantra in my head now.

  Someone knows. Someone knows. Someone knows.


  We had managed to kid ourselves for a year now. An entire year. Somehow.

  How could we have ignored it? How could we have believed it wasn’t going to eventually come back on us?

  Mark Welsh. The young lad. Dead. We had seen his body. We had moved his body . . . and then, it was gone.

  And we did nothing but run away. Pretend that it hadn’t happened. Pretend that it didn’t mean someone knew what we had done and could reappear at any moment.

  I was driving in the dark – something I didn’t really like to do – but that didn’t stop me taking a hand away from the steering wheel and smacking the side of the driver’s door in frustration.

  Was Stuart the first?

  We were next. One by one. That’s what I was scared of at that moment. That someone had been there that night and now wanted . . . What? Revenge? Why wait this long?

  Questions appeared and disappeared from my head, swirling round and round with no cohesion. I wasn’t sure if this just a manifestation of grief and guilt. The lack of sleep and Stuart’s death creating an issue that didn’t really exist.

  Then I thought about that red candle.

  I had to keep going. I knew if I went back home, I’d never leave again.

  So, I drove on.


  Michelle lived on the Wirral now, over the water and outside of Liverpool for the first time since I’d known her. She was right when she’d said we had never really been that close – I knew she worked for a solicitors’ firm, but I had no real idea what that entailed. She hadn’t studied law at university, so I doubted she had become an actual solicitor, but I wasn’t sure of anything more than that.

  I didn’t think I’d ask at this point.

  I didn’t know much of the Wirral, but with Google Maps on my phone, it didn’t take me long to find the place. It didn’t look much different to Liverpool – not that it should have, being only a mile or so away. I remembered when I was a kid, being brought over to New Brighton by my parents. It was on its last legs as a family day out back then. Early nineties. A fair, with dodgems, 2p machines and candy floss. I imagine it looked tired and on the verge of closing down back then, but I only remembered it being fun and sunny every day. The long promenade and beaches that ran for miles, it seemed.

  It had been rejuvenated since then, but the fun-fair remained. It had
just been joined by a supermarket, hotel, and a few chain restaurants. I hadn’t bothered visiting. I preferred to keep the memories of my childhood in my mind instead.

  Michelle lived a few miles away in a place called Moreton. A new-build estate, where every house looked like it had just been delivered flat-packed from IKEA. I almost got lost, even with the aid of the satnav, as the rabbit-run of small roads and tiny road signs only brought confusion.

  I parked up outside and called Michelle from my mobile phone. She answered after a couple of rings.

  ‘We need to talk,’ I said, once she’d said hello. I could hear tension and strain in her voice from a single word. ‘Do you have time?’

  ‘Yeah, I suppose,’ she replied, then I could see the blinds in her living room part slightly. ‘You’ve not really given me much time to tidy up.’

  I waved from the car. ‘Don’t worry about that. I’ll be two minutes.’

  The street was small and didn’t allow much space to park the car and also leave without turning round in someone’s driveway. The houses were all small, weirdly identical, and looked like a strong wind could knock them over. It was quiet though and I could imagine a fair few first-time buyers were seduced by the seclusion and status. Gravelled stones crunched underfoot as I made my way to the front door. It opened as I reached it and Michelle stood in the entrance. For a brief moment, I saw the teenager I’d known years earlier. Then she was gone. Replaced by the shell that now stood in her place. There was a hint of the person she had been under the unkempt hair and darkened eyes, but only because I’d known it before, I guessed. She turned and walked back inside without a word. I followed her in, keenly aware I’d never been there before. I wasn’t sure any of us had.

  ‘If you want a drink, help yourself,’ Michelle said, as I took off my jacket and entered the living room. ‘I’ve just made myself one.’

  I decided against it and sat on the leather sofa that was on one wall, at a right angle to the one Michelle was sitting on. A television was muted in the corner, the wall bracket it was attached to wobbling with every movement I made on the floor.